Best Succes Story of FCH-JU
RUBY team is happy to announce to the Community active in the field of #Monitoring, #Diagnostics, #Prognostics and #Control of #fuelcells that the joint effort made in the last years has been recognised by the Fuel Cells & Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU).
The Story “Advanced tools for better-performing stationary fuel-cell systems” is included into a short list of the #BestSuccessStory. The story could be voted by you and anyone else who shares the view on the role of these topics and acknowledges the contribution given in several FCH-funded projects.
Please surf on, Discover the 2020 Success Stories and vote for our story at the following link
Be fast and vote until Nov. 17th!
Thank you for campaigning to support Monitoring, Diagnostics, Prognostics and Control of Fuel Cells.